Sr No Title Funding Agency Amount Period PI
1 Adaptive optics structured illumination microscopy for high-resolution imaging of biological samples SERB-SRG 32,45,330 2024-2026 Dr. Vyas Akondi
2 Search for tuneable topological states in Heusler compounds using spectroscopic imaging scanning tunnelling microscopy SERB-SRG 16.61 lakhs 2023-2025 Dr. Rahul Sharma
3 Advancement towards Stable and Highly Efficient Solar cell based on Halide perovskite" (ASHESH) DST 1.82 Cr 2023-2026 Dr. Ajay Perumal
4 Control in quantum technologies SERB 6,60,000 2022-2025 Dr. Victor Mukherjee
5 Highly efficient solution-processed exciplex OLEDs achieved through advanced light extraction techniques. SERB-CRG 57.38 lakhs 2023-2026 Dr. Ajay Perumal
6 Interface Engineered Ferroelectric Multiferroic Tunnel Junctions: Finite-Size Effects and Electrical Boundary Conditions. DST-Nanomission 86.51 Lakhs 2019-2022 Dr. Rohit Soni
7 Thermodynamics and quantum advantage of many-body quantum thermal machines

Abstract: We study the validity and the manifestation of the laws of thermodynamics in many-body quantum thermal machines, and the possibility of achieving quantum advantage in these machines.

SERB-SRG Rs 4,49,790 December 2019 - December 2021 Dr. Victor Mukherjee
8 Perovskite Nanocrystals, Low Dimensional Perovskite Analogues And Their Application For Highly Efficient Multilayer Solution Processed Electroluminescent Devices

SERB-ECR 52.76 Lakhs 2018-2021 Dr. Ajay Perumal
9 Understanding particle production mechanism in the ultra-relativistic high energy collisions SERB-SRS Rs. 15,64,248/- 2021 - 2023 Natasha Sharma